
Legal Notice




Design :

Des Clics ET Vous – 12 TER Boulevard du Nord – 85470 Brétignolles sur Mer


legal information :


Legal status : SARL
Adress : 31 bis rue du Trait Neuf 85470 Brétignolles-sur-Mer
Phone : 06 83 61 13 07

SIREN : 51294597300018 R.C.S. : La Roche Sur Yon
VAT number : FR55512945973
email address : contact@lezardsurfschool.com

The creator of the site is : DES CLICS ET VOUS : www.desclicsetvous.com
The publication manager is : ATLANTIC LEZARD SURF SCHOOL
The publication manager is : contact@lezardsurfschool.com

Contact the Webmaster : contact@lezardsurfschool.com


Accommodation :

OVH Siège social : 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France


Content :

The owner of the site strives to provide information as accurate as possible on the site www.lezardsurfschool.com. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether due to itself or the third party partners who provide this information.

All the information offered on the site www.lezardsurfschool.com are given for information purposes only, are not exhaustive, and are subject to change. They are given subject to modifications having been made since they were put online.


Intellectual property and counterfeits:

The owner of the site is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds the usage rights on all elements accessible on the site, in particular texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, software, etc.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, total or partial adaptation of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited without prior written authorization by email : contact@lezardsurfschool.com

Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.


Images – Illustrations :

© Freepik
© Pexels
© Pixabay
© Unsplash
© Burst
© Flaticon


Protection of personal data — management of personal data:

Read our privacy policy


Cookies Policy :

You are informed that, during your visits to our site, cookies may be installed on your terminal equipment (your computer, your tablet, your smartphone, etc.), subject to the choices you have previously expressed regarding Cookies and which you can modify at any time.

Definition :
A cookie is a small file, generally made up of letters and numbers, stored in an Internet user’s terminal equipment and used by the site to send information to the Internet user’s browser, and allowing this browser to send back information to the original site (for example a session identifier, choice of language or date).

Cookies make it possible to retain, during the validity period of the cookie concerned, state information when a browser accesses the different pages of a website or when this browser subsequently returns to this website.

Cookies are stored in your browser’s memory and each of them generally contains:

  • The name of the server from which the cookie was sent
  • The lifespan of the cookie;
  • The lifespan of the cookie; A value – usually a randomly generated unique number.
  • The Internet server that sends the cookie uses this number to recognize you when you return to the site or navigate from page to page. Only the issuer of a cookie can read or modify the information contained therein.

There are two types of cookies, called “temporary” and “persistent”:

  • So-called “temporary” cookies allow websites to link your actions during a browsing session. These so-called “temporary” cookies disappear at the end of your browsing session and are therefore not stored for a longer period.
  • So-called “persistent” cookies are stored on your computer between browsing sessions and allow you to remember your preferences or actions on a site (or in certain cases on different websites). So-called “persistent” cookies can be used for various purposes and in particular to remember your preferences and choices when using a site.

Cookies can also be classified into the following categories, “first-party cookies”, which come from the website you are browsing, or “third-party cookies” which come from a website separate from the one you are browsing.


Strictly necessary cookies:

These are cookies necessary for the operation of our site. They allow you to use the main features of our site, for example:

  • Access your customer area,
  • Store your items in your basket,
  • Change the language of the site.
  • Allow you to access your personal space for managing your accounts and services using your identifiers
  • Implement security measures to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login information, and protect user data from unauthorized third parties. These protection measures help block many types of attacks, such as attempts to steal content from forms you fill out on our sites.

Without these cookies, you will not be able to use our site normally. These are cookies placed by Des Clics Et Vous which only concern the operation of our site.

Analytics cookies:

This site uses Google Analytics, a website analysis and audience measurement service provided by Google Inc. (« Google »). Google Analytics cookies are used to help the website analyze the use of the site by its users.

These cookies are used for statistical analysis and traffic management purposes allowing us, for example, to improve the ergonomics of the site and the interest of our services. Google Analytics complies with EU data protection legislation, as set out in particular in the documents below. This means that it ensures the protection of end-user data through measures such as anonymization of source data and user opt-out mechanisms.

The list of these cookies as well as their functions are set out in the table below.

List of Google Analytics cookies:

Cookie name Function Duration
_ga Google Analytics audience measurement 13 months
_gat Google Analytics audience measurement 1 minute
_gid Google Analytics audience measurement 24 houres


Managing cookies:
You can control cookies through your browser settings. If most browsers are set by default and accept the installation of cookies, you have the possibility, if you wish, to choose to accept all cookies, or to systematically reject them or to choose those which you accept according to the transmitter. You can also configure your browser to accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis prior to their installation. You can also regularly delete cookies from your device via your browser.

The use of cookies or similar technologies by any third-party advertising content provider websites is subject to their own cookie privacy policy.

THE CNIL (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés) offers a free download of cookie management software on its website: go to http://www.cnil.fr/vos-droits/vos-traces/les -cookies/ to find out more.

The choices offered to you by your navigation software

You can configure your navigation software so that:

  • Cookies are saved in your terminal or, on the contrary, they are refused, either systematically or depending on their issuer.
  • Acceptance or refusal of cookies is offered to you from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be saved in your terminal.

For more information, see the section “How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?” »

(a) The Cookie Agreement

The recording of a cookie in a terminal is subject to the prior consent of the user of the terminal, which he can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to him by his navigation software.
If you have accepted the recording of cookies on your terminal in your browser software, the cookies integrated into the pages and content that you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on your terminal. They will be readable only by their issuer.

(b) Refusal of Cookies

If you refuse the recording of certain types of cookies in your terminal, or if you delete those stored there, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities which are nevertheless necessary to navigate in certain areas of our site. This would be the case if you tried to access our content or services which require you to identify yourself. This would also be the case when we – or our service providers – could not recognize, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display settings or the country from which your terminal appears to be connected. to the Internet.
Where applicable, we decline all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their operation and which you have refused or deleted.

(c) How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?

You can object to the recording of cookies by following the procedure available below:

On Internet Explorer:

  1. Go to Tools > Internet options.
  2. Click on the privacy tab.
  3. Click on the advanced button, check the box “Ignore automatic cookie management”.

On Firefox :

  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP), then select Options.
  2. Select the Privacy panel.
  3. Set Retention Rules: to use custom settings for history.
  4. Uncheck Accept cookies.

On Chrome :

  1. Click the wrench icon located in the browser toolbar.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click Show advanced settings.
  4. In the “Privacy” section, click the Content Settings button.
  5. In the “Cookies” section, you can block cookies and data from third-party sites.

On Safari :

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences
  2. Click on the Privacy tab
  3. In the “Block cookies” area, check the “always” box

On Opéra :

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences
  2. Click on the advanced tab
  3. In the “Cookies” area, check the “Never accept cookies” box.

For more information on the management and configuration of cookies, go to the publishers’ explanatory pages:

Internet Explorer™ : http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies
Safari™ : http://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?viewlocale=fr_FR&locale=fr_FR
Chrome™ : http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647
Firefox™ : http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/activer-desactiver-cookies
Opera™ : http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html

Performance cookies

Performance cookies allow us to optimize our website and detect any technical problems you may encounter.

They allow us to collect information about how you use our site, including the number of visits per page, the number of error messages displayed, the time spent on a page, or the number of clicks on an area of the site. site.
The information retained cannot be used for commercial purposes.